Business Models for Generative Music

President / Research Lead / Artist in Residence

Music is at the forefront of research in generative AI. These developments may lower barriers to entry for artists and art entrepreneurs, and offer new opportunities for people to make money from their passions.

This idea lead us to initiate a generative music project with the Consulting Group at Virginia Tech. The group investigated new advances in generative music. The market research surveys the technology used to create generative music and offers as examples a few business models used to deploy generative music to the market.

The paper lays out potential model specifications and the expected computing costs associated with the recommended project.

We encourage readers to critique and extend the work. Please let us know if you find this information useful, or if you need help building something!

We have to thank Caleb, Chandler, Vidhi, Aditya, Eli, Marco, Joey. It was great working with you guys.

Thank you also to the executive team at CGVT for crafting a unique opportunity for us to work together again. This project was educational and fun. I’m honored.