Module 1: Managing cooperation problems in centralized and decentralized organizations

  • Public good problems
  • Agency problems
  • Transaction costs
  • Incentive misalignment

Module 2: How blockchain resolves cooperation problems

  • Tokenomics
  • Incentive Alignment
  • Smart Contracts

Module 3: Managing coordination problems in centralized and decentralized organizations

  • Complex search
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Knowledge creation

Module 4: Can DAOs facilitate knowledge sharing and knowledge creation?

  • Decentralized organizational search

Research Foundations: Vitalk Buterin, Yan Chen, Zoe Hitzig, Thorbjorn Knudsen, Bruce Kogut, Alex Murray, Goef Parker, Pankaj Patel, Phanish Puranam, Marlo Raveendran, Jack Ricther, Jan Rivkin, Marshal van Alstyne, Glen Weyl